Trustee Board

As a registered charity, 4th East Grinstead Scouts is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the group operates within the terms set out in the group’s constitution. The Trustees promote Scouting Values and ensure our young people are offered fun activities aimed at helping them develop Skills for Life. If you would like more information about the 4th East Grinstead’s Board of Trustees, or are perhaps interested in becoming a trustee, please contact our Chairman.

Tony Parsons

Group Chairman

Trustees Members

Trustee Member Role
Tony Parsons Chairman
Emily Brooks Treasurer
Caz Gould Secretary
Sandra Devine Trustee
Colin Smith Trustee
Chris Shaw Trustee
Maria Dias Trustee
William Mewis Trustee
Tracey Roberts Trustee
Heather Furminger Acting Group Scout Leader
Jake Sheeran Deputy Group Scout Leader

Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundrasing - Logo
How to instructions

(Please find the link to the 4th's easyfundraising page by clicking on the logo.)