Our History

Group Beginings

The 4th East Grinstead Scout group was originally opened in June 1954 and closed in the mid 70s. Unfortunately, we have very limited documentation between these periods.

A New Start

Luckily for the group today, a local gentleman, Peter Roberts reopened the group and the scout section in March 1981.

New Section - Cubs

A few months later, the cubs section was opened in and had their first meeting in July 1981.

News Article

Growing Group

In May 1984, the group formally unveiled their beaver colony and held their first meeting. Below is a photo of one of the first investiture (if you look carefully you can see our current cubs section leader). Also, The news article, which provides more information.

Photo - First Beaver Investitures

News Article

Memorable Moments

Scouts believed to be acting out a first aid incident to the Chief Scout Major-General Michael Walsh
4th Scouts talking to the Chief Scout/ Major General Michael Walsh
Cub Camp - Outside a hut at Broadstone Warren in 1984
Cub Camp - Outside a hut at Broadstone Warren in 1984
Tent and Shelter
Linnet Clough in 1987
Image from 1984 - 3 Leaders and Scouts
1984 - 3 Leaders and Scouts